Traditional office inauguration in India

To support IPS’s rapid growth, we are thrilled to announce a significant expansion in Bangalore, India. Having been based in India since June 2018, we have now opened a new, high-tech office at the CoWorks facility in RMZ North Star, Bangalore.

The premises were inaugurated traditionally, as is usual in India, with the colleagues performing the ritual of an Office Puja before moving into the new office space.

Shibu Mathews, President IPS India, explains:

“The ritual included the Ganesha Puja and Maha Lakshmi Puja. It is believed that Lord Ganesha is the remover of obstacles and worshipping him brings good fortune in one’s professional and personal life. He is also worshipped to gain knowledge and wisdom. Worshipping Ganesha first assures you purification of the place and also of the minds of the devotees.

Maha Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and the symbol of beauty, purity, auspiciousness and fertility. Maha Lakshmi protects the devotees from any money-related worries and bad luck. Navagraha Puja is performed to remove any Dristhi Dosha and negativity from the premises. This Puja guarantees a successful, positive energy environment and upliftment in a business or venture.

These are exciting times for us; we expect to grow our business in India in the years to come.”