IPS a SITA company and MODI are honored to be selected once again to participate in the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Biometric Rally 2019 in Washington, DC. It is encouraging to see DHS taking proactive steps to understand the different biometric solutions being offered and to allow companies like IPS a SITA company and MODI to test our product with DHS.
We are looking forward to a full evaluation of our solution and anticipate significant changes to aviation security processing over the next few years based on the inclusion of biometric processing. On May 8, DHS is hosting a VIP Day where industry representatives can see and experience the solutions under evaluation by DHS.
CBP Entry/Exit Program
IPS a SITA company is working actively with US Customs and Border Protection on the Entry/Exit program and would like to showcase our capabilities with airports and airlines looking for a biometric solution provider.