Check-in solutions for airports and airlines –
flexible and easy to use

Check-in kiosk: Professional hardware and software for fast passenger services

Passenger check-in is one of our core competencies. We have been a market leader in this field for many years and offer kiosk check-in solutions, mobile and web check-in as well as counter solutions based on CUPPS and CUTE. Materna IPS check-in solutions allow passengers to check-in at a kiosk in a pleasingly short time. Data shows we achieved a record 19.1 seconds for a kiosk check-in at Frankfurt Airport. With our flexible and robust kiosk systems we also offer our certified CUSS platform and application which are fully compliant with IATA RP 1706c and allow easy airline integration.

The user-friendly application offers personal identification, seat selection, upgrades and printing of boarding passes and bag tags. While integrating future technologies into our solutions, we offer biometrics and payment functions for an improved passenger experience. Multiple airlines worldwide use our check-in services for international flights. Thanks to intelligent application hosting and monitoring, we can offer customers all important data, analyses and statistics. On-site maintenance services are provided on request, too.

Check-ins per day
Check-in world record
hours per day
Amazing waiting-time savings

Your benefits

Space and cost savings

Robust premium hardware

Easy integration of additional functions

Check-in kiosks

Whenever airports expand, restructure or build new terminals they benefit from our Greenfield Solutions. Our standard series provides fully automated kiosk systems which can be integrated into existing infrastructure or be used in brand new terminals. Equipped with modern technology and components they fulfill the highest security and design requirements.

The Materna IPS Flex. Kiosk is based on the Flex.Go design and modular approach. That way it can be adjusted perfectly to the airport environment.

Depending on the customer‘s preferred setup, it guarantees seamless passenger handling, whether as a check-in kiosk (19“ touchscreen) or a tagging machine (13.3“ touchscreen). Especially its small frame makes it the optimal choice for airports that are looking for a space-saving solution that is adaptable to any airport environment. With up to three printers, Flex.Kiosk handles both 1-step and 2-step processing and also offers technologies such as biometrics, RFID and Chip and PIN payment.

Web check-in

In addition to our check-in kiosks which have been well-proven around the world, we also offer web check-in and develop customized solutions.

Web check-in allows passengers to check-in, provide APIS data, select seats, and to print their boarding pass and bagagge tags at home.

Depending on backend system capabilities, this accessible application offers various options throughout all the steps of the process. Once they have completed their check-in process successfully, flight passengers may choose to print out their flight ticket or receive it on their mobile phone or as an e-mail.

Counter solutions

Our CUPPS (Common Use Passenger Processing System) compliant UltraCuse system provides the airport and airlines with a flexible, common use platform for airport check-in counters, boarding gates, sales desks and back-office facilities.

UltraCuse allows any airline or handling agent to use any workstation at any time. Our UltraCuse platform optimizes the use of airport facilities by offering greater flexibility and providing easy access to airline and airport applications. Airports, airlines and groundhandlers benefit from reduced operational costs.

Products based on the Common Use Self Service standard

Our solutions are fully compliant with IATA standards and allow real Common Use Self Service for kiosk systems. Our CUSS-platform, which was developed in-house, has been well-proven in many SBD and check-in installations worldwide and have also been integrated in other vendors’ hardware. Materna is a long-term IATA partner and was involved in defining the CUSS standards. We are the leading provider for CUSS-based solutions in the aviation market.  and offer maximum interconnectivity to any CUSS-based systems.

  • Our solutions comply with the latest IATA standards
  • We are a leading member of the CUSS-TSG (tech. solutions group)
  • Our CUSS-platform can also run on 3rd-party hardware




Airport Management Tools

From concept to go-live

VR Testing

With the possibility to test products in advance using VR, and create concepts for integrating them in airports, we are pleased to offer airports and airlines a special user experience and effective prototyping.

Production & Assembly

Materna IPS is your provider for intelligent passenger solutions. We deliver software and hardware all from one source. We work with established and reliable partners around the world. Behind the scenes:


Intelligent Passenger Solutions help to make passenger handling more efficient and to increase the capacity utilization of resources for airports and airlines. Renowned international customers have already put their trust in our expertise.

Your contact

Andreas Gehling

Product Management
Materna IPS GmbH
